Energy for Buildings
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Fast Facts About
Buildings, Energy, and Decarbonization
One-third of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions come from construction and operation of residential and commercial buildings. GHG emissions in buildings come mainly from the consumption of energy for heating, cooling, lighting, and operating various appliances, as well as from maintenance, construction, and materials (embodied carbon).
Decarbonizing buildings is crucial in the efforts to mitigate climate change and achieve sustainable development. This requires a multi-faceted approach including:
- Energy efficiency
- Electrification
- Increased use of renewable energy sources
- Adoption of sustainable building practices
- Supportive policies and regulations
In addition to reducing GHG emissions, decarbonizing buildings reduces energy consumption and improves health and indoor environmental quality.
Share of GHG Emissions from Buildings
World 37% 🌎
U.S. 31% 🇺🇸
of total GHG emissions come from buildings
Share of Final Energy Used by Buildings
World 33% 🌎
U.S. 28% 🇺🇸
of total final energy is used in buildings
Share of Energy Used in Buildings From Renewable Resources
World 16% 🌎
U.S. 14% 🇺🇸
of energy used in buildings comes from renewable resources
45% of energy consumed in U.S. residential buildings is electricity
60% of energy consumed in U.S. commercial buildings is electricity
Biggest Opportunities for Energy Efficiency and Decarbonization
- Efficient building envelope (e.g., high performance windows - a home’s largest source of heat loss, insulation)
- Lighting - use of natural light and LED lights
- Improved HVAC systems and ductless heat pumps
- Electrification of space heating and natural gas appliances (stoves, dryers, water heaters)
Effective Sustainable Building Design Practices
- Integrative design - optimize whole systems rather than components in isolation
- Application of energy efficiency best practices
- Maximization of natural light and ventilation
- Use of sustainably sourced natural materials
- Reduction of friction in piping systems through size and layout to ensure smooth transitions
- Optimal building orientation
- Reduced costs for building operation and maintenance
- Green buildings are more desirable from a leasing and selling perspective
- Higher sales in retail with natural lighting and ventilation
- Increased worker productivity
- Better indoor environmental quality
- Lack of mandatory energy efficient building standards or codes
- Efficiency upgrades must be paid for up-front, and there may be a long cost recovery time
- Upfront costs can be prohibitive if not applied correctly (i.e., optimizing in isolation as opposed to applying principles of integrative design)
- Emphasis on short-term returns can lead to missed opportunities, as many significant energy savings or decarbonization projects require longer periods to break even (payback trap)
- Risk aversion among managers regarding adopting new, untested technologies, even if they have the potential to improve energy efficiency (manager barrier).
- “Split incentives” between those paying the costs of efficiency measures and those enjoying the savings (e.g., owner vs tenant)
- Price distortions caused by fossil fuels subsidies
- Low renovation and heating system replacement when existing building stocks are large
- Low consumer awareness of efficiency and decarbonization options
- Lack of skilled workforce in renewable heat and energy efficiency installation
Climate Impact: High

- Leading source of GHG emissions
Environmental Impact: High

- Land use
- Mining for building materials
- Noise pollution
- Unsustainable wood harvesting
- Potentially hazardous building materials
- Construction debris
- Air pollution
- Waste
- Water use
Before You Watch Our Lecture on
Buildings, Energy, and Decarbonization
We assign videos and readings to our Stanford students as pre-work for each lecture to help contextualize the lecture content. We strongly encourage you to review the Essential readings below before watching our lecture on Buildings, Energy, and Decarbonization. Include selections from the Optional and Useful list based on your interests and available time.
- How Building Decarbonization Can Transform HVAC. ASHRAE Journal Vol. 63, no. 9. September 1, 2021. (12 pages)
Explores heat pump systems as one way building decarbonization can transform HVAC. - A Roadmap to Decarbonize California’s Buildings. Building Decarbonization Coalition. February 12, 2019. (16 pages)
A roadmap for overcoming barriers that are preventing California from reaching its potential for decarbonizing buildings. - Report: Utilities Can Lessen Winter Power Outage Risk by Investing in Home Efficiency. ACEEE. April 15, 2021. (1 page)
Shows how utilities' investments to improve home energy efficiency can help tackle cold-weather electricity challenges. - We Already Have the Low-Cost Tools We Need to Cut the Carbon Hidden in Buildings. Canary Media. August 24, 2021. (4 pages)
Shows how materials and technologies available today can slash "embodied carbon" nearly in half.
Optional and Useful
- Renewables 2024 Global Status Report: Renewables in Buildings (pp 31-42). REN21. 2024. (12 pages)
An overview of global energy use in buildings and the share provided by renewables in 2021. - US Home Heating is Fractured in Surprising Ways: Look Up Your Neighborhood The Washington Post. March 6, 2023. (3 pages)
Map showing the four main ways Americans heat their homes by region. - New York Passes First Statewide Ban On Gas In New Buildings. Canary Media. May 3, 2023. (2 pages)
A look at New York's first-in-the-nation statewide ban on gas in new buildings. - Texas Failed Because It Did Not Plan. The Atlantic. February 21, 2021. (4 pages)
Offers three explanations for why Texas' power grid failed. - 30-Story Building Built in 15 Days (Time Lapse). Broad Group. January 8, 2012. (2 min)
Time lapse video of a 30-story hotel being built in China in 360 hours.
Our Lecture on
Buildings, Energy, and Decarbonization
This is our Stanford University Understand Energy course lecture on buildings, energy, and decarbonization. We strongly encourage you to watch the full lecture to understand the importance of decarbonizing buildings and to be able to put this complex topic into context. For a complete learning experience, we also encourage you to review the Essential readings we assign to our students before watching the lecture.

Presented by: Peter Rumsey, PE, FASHRAE, LEED AP; CEO and Founder, Point Energy Innovations
Recorded on: November 15, 2023 Duration: 60 minutes
Table of Contents
(Clicking on a timestamp will take you to YouTube.)
00:00 Introduction
08:47 How Energy Is Used in Buildings
12:25 Embodied Decarbonization
16:15 Operational Decarbonization
17:12 -Efficiency
36:40 -Electrification
45:34 - Renewable Energy
50:21 Barriers to Decarbonization
55:46 Case Studies
Additional Resources About
Buildings, Energy, and Decarbonization
Stanford University
- The Stanford Building Decarbonization Learning Accelerator
- Stanford Engineering Center for Integrated Facility Engineering (CIFE)
- Sustainable Stanford Green Buildings
- Civil and Environmental Engineering Department
- Sustainable Design & Construction (SDC)
- Sarah Billington - Sustainable, durable construction materials; use of renewable materials to make structural insulated panels, which improve heating and cooling efficiency in buildings
- Kyle Douglas - Energy efficient buildings, sustainable concrete
- Martin Fischer - Design and construction of sustainable buildings
- Lynn Hildemann - Effects of energy-efficient building design strategies on indoor pollutant levels
- Martin Lepech - Integration of energy and environmental performance indicators, value and payback time in design of energy-efficient buildings
- Raymond Levitt - Ways for the construction industry to overcome barriers to adopting energy-efficient innovations
- Chemical Engineering Department
- Curtis Frank - Green construction materials
- Mechanical Engineering Department
- Kenneth Goodson - Novel materials for thermoelectric waste-heat recovery in buildings
- Gianluca Iaccarino - Modeling natural ventilation in energy efficient buildings using high-fidelity simulations
- Electrical Engineering Department
- Leonid Kazonsky - Green networks for office and residential buildings
- Graduate School of Business
- Erica Plambeck - The construction industry’s barriers to adopting energy-efficiency innovations
- Physics Department
- Steven Chu - The effect of energy efficiency standards in appliances and buildings
Industry Organizations
Fast Facts Sources
- GHG Emissions Attributed to Buildings (World 2022): UN Environment Programme (UNEP). Global Status Report for Buildings and Construction 2024. 2024.
- GHG Emissions Attributed to Buildings (U.S. 2022): Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990-2022. 2024.
- Share of Total Final Energy Consumption in Buildings (World 2021): REN21. Renewables 2024 Global Status Report. 2024.
- Share of Total Final Energy Consumption in Buildings (U.S. 2023): Energy Information Administration (EIA). How Much Energy is Consumed in U.S. Buildings?. April 30, 2024.
- Share of Renewable Energy Consumption in Buildings (World 2021): REN21. Renewables 2024 Global Status Report. 2024.
- Share of Renewable Energy Consumption in Buildings (U.S. 2021): REN21. Renewables 2024 Global Status Report. 2024.
- Residential Building Energy and Electricity Consumption By End Use (U.S. 2020): Energy Information Administration (EIA). Residential Energy Consumption Survey 2020. Detailed End Use Consumption Estimates.
- Commercial Building Energy and Electricity Consumption By End Use (U.S. 2018): Energy Information Administration (EIA). Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey 2018. End Use Consumption.
More details available on request.
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