Energy Storage
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Fast Facts About
Energy Storage
Energy storage allows energy to be saved for use at a later time. Energy can be stored in many forms, including chemical (piles of coal or biomass), potential (pumped hydropower), and electrochemical (battery). Energy storage can be stand-alone or distributed and can participate in different energy markets (see our The Grid: Electricity Transmission, Industry, and Markets page for more information about energy markets).
Energy storage is a valuable tool for balancing the grid and integrating more renewable energy. When energy demand is low and production of renewables is high, the excess energy can be stored for later use. When demand for energy or power is high and supply is low, the stored energy can be discharged. Due to the hourly, seasonal, and locational variability of renewable production, energy storage is critical to facilitating the clean energy transition.
Pumped hydropower storage represents the largest share of global energy storage capacity today (>90%) but is experiencing little growth. Electrochemical storage capacity, mainly lithium-ion batteries, is the fastest-growing.
Why Do We Need Energy Storage Now?
Resilience against weather-related outages
Increase in electricity demand with electrification of buildings and transportation and global growth
Renewables growth on the grid increases the need for flexibility to balance demand with supply
Faster ramp up times than peaker plants
Energy Storage Technologies
Though pumped hydro currently dominates global storage capacity, electrochemical is growing the fastest. Generally, pumped hydro storage is used for longer-term storage compared to battery storage, which is often used on a day-to-day scale.
Distributed vs. Centralized Storage
Distributed Storage: Located on the consumer side of the meter, often in combination with consumer-side energy production like rooftop solar panels
Centralized Storage: Located on the production side of the meter, often in combination with utility scale renewables
System Integrated vs. Standalone Storage
System Integrated Storage: Connected to the main electrical grid and provides grid services
Standalone Storage: Not connected to the main electrical grid, often providing rural storage needs
Both distributed and centralized storage can be system integrated or standalone. However, centralized storage is almost always system integrated.
Global Supply and Demand of Battery Storage
Lithium-Ion Battery Materials and Supply
DRC produces 69% 🇨🇩
China produces 67% 🇨🇳
Australia produces 52% 🇦🇺
Chile produces 25% 🇨🇱
Mineral Resourcing Concerns
- Human rights challenges (e.g., child labor, slavery)
- Environmental impacts (e.g, water, land, and air pollution, heavy metal leakage, habitat loss)
- Human health problems (e.g., lung and cardiovascular problems, birth defects)
(See our Energy, the Environment, and Justice page for more information.)
Battery Growth and Pricing
Global Grid-Scale Battery Storage Annual Additions
⬆1133% increase
2017: 0.9 GW added
2022: 11.1 GW added
Battery Prices Are Dropping Due to Lower Mineral and Manufacturing Costs*
⬇66% decrease
in average global battery price (2015-2023)
*Battery prices vary by region, cheapest in China
Cost Range (LCOE) for 4-Hour Storage in Different Scenarios (US$/MWh)
Utility-scale PV (100MW) + Storage (50 MW)
$110 - $131
Utility-Scale Standalone (100MW)
$200 - $257
Residential PV (0.01 MW) + Storage (0.006 MW)
$663 - $730
Residential Standalone (0.006 MW)
$1,215 - $1,348
Utility scale storage is much cheaper than residential scale.
Energy Storage Has Many Potential Applications and Roles
- Address supply disruptions
- Compensate for variability of renewable resources
- Provide peaking capacity
- Defer transmission upgrades
- Relieve transmission congestion
- Provide grid services
- Defer distribution upgrades
- Provide backup power
- Support microgrids
- Reduce excess demand charges (e.g., time-of-use charges)
- Increasing use of intermittent renewables
- Prices continue to drop as battery manufacturing scales for EVs and consumer electronics
- Quick ramp up times for batteries relative to other peaker plants
- Transmission costs for energy can vary by location and over time, and energy storage can alleviate the price differential
- Negative environmental and human impacts of mining for needed minerals
- Current battery technologies are unable to meet long-duration storage needs
- High upfront capital costs for introducing battery storage
Before You Watch Our Lecture on
Energy Storage
We assign videos and readings to our Stanford students as pre-work for each lecture to help contextualize the lecture content. We strongly encourage you to review the Essential readings and videos before watching our lecture on Energy Storage. Include selections from the Optional and Useful list based on your interests and available time.
- Energy Storage 101 -- Storage Technologies (first 40 min). Energy Storage Association / EPRI. March 7, 2019. (40 min)
Provides an overview of energy storage and the attributes and differentiators for various storage technologies. - Why Tesla Is Building City-Sized Batteries. Verge Science. August 14, 2018. (6 min)
JB Straubel, Tesla co-founder, talks about why giant batteries are crucial to the future of power grids everywhere.
Optional and Useful
- How to Fix Clean Energy's Storage Problem. Vox. April 27, 2023. (5 min)
Learn more about how we might be able to store solar and wind energy to facilitate the transition away from fossil fuels. - How the Next Batteries Will Change the World. Bloomberg QuickTake. March 10, 2021. (11 min)
Describes how the next batteries will enable huge breakthroughs in the battle against global warming. - The End of a Battery’s Life Matters as Much as Its Beginning. Vox. October 24, 2022. (5 pages)
Learn about a new industry rising to meet the growing demand for EVs by recycling their parts in the US.
Our Lecture on
Energy Storage
This is our Stanford University Understand Energy course lecture on energy storage. We strongly encourage you to watch the full lecture to understand why energy storage plays a critical role in the clean energy transition and to be able to put this complex topic into context. For a complete learning experience, we also encourage you to watch / read the Essential videos and readings we assign to our students before watching the lecture.

Presented by: Kirsten Stasio, Adjunct Lecturer, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University; CEO, Nevada Clean Energy Fund (NCEF)
Recorded on: April 24, 2024 Duration: 41 minutes
Table of Contents
(Clicking on a timestamp will take you to YouTube.)
00:00 Introduction
01:06 Why Do We Need Grid Energy Storage?
07:58 What Are the Different Technologies?
29:53 How Do We Use Grid Energy Storage?
Lecture slides available upon request.
Additional Resources About
Energy Storage
Government and International Organizations
- International Energy Agency (IEA) Grid-Scale Storage
- US Energy Information Administration (EIA) Energy Storage for Electricity Generation
- US Energy Information Administration (EIA) Today in Energy Storage, Storage Capacity
- US Geological Survey (USGS) Energy Storage
- US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Electricity Storage
- US Department of Energy (DOE) Energy Storage
- US Department of Energy (DOE) Global Energy Storage Database
- US Geological Survey (USGS) Geologic Energy Storage Publication
Fast Facts Sources
Global Energy Storage by Type: CNESA Energy Storage Industry White Paper, 2021; BNEF Sustainable Energy In American 2023 Factbook
Battery Manufacturing by Country: Visualizing China’s Dominance in Battery Manufacturing, Visual Capitalist
Battery Growth, Grid Scale Additions: Annual grid-scale battery storage additions, 2017-2022
Battery Pricing, percent change: Trends in Batteries, IEA
Cost Range for Storage in Different Scenarios: LCOE, Lazard, 2023
Lithium-ion battery materials and supply: bp Statistical Review of World Energy, 2022
More details available on request.
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